Champagne Marteaux Millésime Brut 2014 bei Svinando

48.0 € 56.0 € ZUM ANGEBOT*

64.00 € pro Liter

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Champagne Marteaux Millésime Brut 2014 bei Svinando

Olivier Marteaux

Small production, great excellence. This is how the philosophy of Maison Olivier et Laëtitia Marteaux could be summed up. From the heart of Champagne, with vineyards spread across beautiful villages, comes this Millesimato. The Cuvée is composed of 50% Pinot Meunier, with 30% Pinot Noir and 20% Chardonnay. The vinification is super traditional, with soft pressing that allows only the noblest part of the must to be extracted. Alcoholic fermentation is carried out in steel and, at the end of this first phase, the bases also undergo what is known as malolactic fermentation, to add complexity and depth to the resulting wine. This is followed by blending, bottling and gentle frothing. The subsequent maturation phase lasts for a minimum of 72 months, followed by a further 6 months resting in the cellar after dégorgement. In the glass, the champagne is a beautiful golden yellow colour, with a fine, incessant perlage. The nose reveals fresh and pleasant aromas of fruit, such as pear and apple, as well as mineral notes typical for the Champagne region. In the mouth, it is pleasantly rich, with clear hints of brioche and pastry. A Champagne that reveals the character and uniqueness of a single vintage!


Flasche:               64.00 € pro Liter
Allergene:           enthält Sulfite


Bild: Svinando

Nur solange der Vorrat reicht!

Champagne Marteaux Millésime Brut 2014 Schaumwein Svinando DE
Champagne Marteaux Millésime Brut 2014 bei Svinando
48.0 € 56.0 €

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